This is a photo of my very sad face
The reason my face is very sad is because I missed out on Slutwalk by about half an hour. I thought I was being super extra organised by asking to leave work an hour before Slutwalk was advertised to finish. Excitedly, I sprinted out of work at 1pm on the dot, rushing down George in desperate search of the Slutwalk ralliers. All was in vain; they had finished and packed up by 12:30. This is the second time in a row that I have missed Slutwalk. How can I call myself a proper feminist now???
On a slightly more positive note, I have a piece in the pipeline about rape myths; it was meant to accompany an account of all the awesomeness that went down at the rally, but alas...None the less, I'll make a few tweaks and the piece will be up on my blog in no time! If I can't support Slutwalk in person, I will damn well make sure I support it with my words!