Sunday, 12 May 2013

I'm back, with a new obsession to share!

Hey everyone!

A big apology to the four whole people who read this blog for my long and sustained absence.

I haven't really been in the head space for writing as of late, as the dance and performance side of my life has picked up in a big way. Basically, at the beginning of the year I had the really crazy stupid idea that I wanted to be a belly dancer.

For those of you who already know me, I bet you're all like "what Rachael? You already ARE a fucking belly dancer! Go have a nap and stop writing blog posts you crazy maa fucka," to which I reply that yes, I do need a nap, but that is besides the point. I know I am already a belly dancer, . what I mean is I want to BE a belly dancer, as in live it, breathe it, drink it, and a wealth of other metaphors that suggest the all consuming power of BEING a dancer.

So for the last four months my head has been really noisy with ideas and fears, but I have finally gotten it to hush for long enough to think about gender.

Yes, thats right; I still love you gender, for realsies. I may have neglected you for a little bit for this new, shiny belly dance life, but I'm back now! Take me back into your loving embrace, gender, my sweetie, darling.

But, in keeping with my new found obsession with performance, my thoughts of gender have not been able to venture far from the stage. I have been thinking pretty hard about gender, performance and boylesque. I've just written a pretty awesome-sauce, heavily theoretical essay on the topic, but I haven't decided on whether its fun enough to share in it's entirety, or if I want to summaries the main points into some fun, easily digestible internet form. Until I make up my mind, here are the videos I used for my analysis. I probably don't need to write much about them, it's all THERE anyway. Enjoy, and I'll be back soon with something better than a rambled apology sprinkled with videos of hot men.

David O'mer

Cherry Loco

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